any story is a million stories (4th may)

Would you like to write your own piece of fiction, poem, screenplay, or get started with your novel having Catherine Dunne, John Lynch, Anthony Glavin, Lia Mills, Celia de Fréine, Niamh MacAlister and June Caldwell at your side?
Well: this is exactly what you are supposed to do on Friday, 4th May, from 9.30 to 18, during the workshop “Any story is a million stories – In ogni storia c’è un milione di storie”, our Festival’s central event (Nogarole Rocca, agriturismo Corte Castelletto).
In order to make everyone comfortable with using their own language, we will have the assistance of two professional interpreters from the Italian Associazione nazionale interpreti di conferenza professionisti (Aiti).

This seminar is all about stories: how they can be dismantled and reassembled into new and unexpected shapes and fashions; how they can change their own natures and rationales; how they can be manoeuvred and pushed and pulled and stretched and shrinked and shaked, and torn, and finally rebuilt.

You will meet an actor (Fabio Bussotti, who will tell us the germinal story, from which anyone will extract their own bits and pieces by asking him questions).

A journalist (Luigi Grimaldi, who will drive the story into a newspaper’s piece).

A writer (myself, searching for raw matter to put together into the short story she’s – I am, actually – inclined to tell).

An editor (Barbara Gozzi, whose peculiar task will be to discover stories and characters and settings cuddled up between the lines).

And two Systemic psychoterapists from the Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia (Massimo Giuliani) and Episteme, the Turin section of the CMTF, (Teresa Arcelloni). Both of them will be tracking down key-points and keystones, to unravel threads and enlighten the germinal story under a new spotlight.

Then, you will attend Fabio’s monologue, which is the outcome of the “contaminations” of the initial story.

Any of us will then have room to write their own story. We will afterward edit and collect them in an anthology along with the stories written by the Irish authors and the teachers from ònoma.

Info and booking: